Learning Materials


Tools: Genially, Canva

Title: 3 Questions You Can Ask Patients About Their Symptoms

Production Time: One day

Client: Clinic Network

My Role:  Instructional Designer, eLearning Developer, Graphic Designer

Context:  My role includes designing onboarding training for a clinic network. When taking calls from patients, front office staff must adhere to certain legal requirements and best practices.

Challenge: End-of-course evaluations and conversations with new front office staff indicate they leave onboarding training feeling overwhelmed by the large amount of training content, and they report not being able to remember everything, like the three questions they can ask patients about their symptoms.

Solution:  This interactive brain boost, or micro learning, reinforces a critical requirement all front office staff must adhere to. There are only three questions they can ask patients about their symptoms. This brain boost is scheduled to be distributed to staff two weeks after onboarding training is completed.

This brain boost was created in Genially from scratch—no template was used. The graphic was created in Canva by embellishing an existing image.

Result: The data-collection process to measure the value of this. Staff indicate the regular drip of training content will be helpful.